Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lagoon #150 Update

A meeting was held yesterday between Pulte (Project Managers Todd Dupuona and Allison Tucker), Thomas & Hutton Engineering, members of the Phase 5 Lagoon Committee, and several residents that reside around the perimeter of lagoon #150. The Neighborhood Representative from Murray Hill (or any assigned delegate) was noticeably absent from the meeting. Several issues were brought up by the residents that got the meeting off to a contentious start. However, in the end, things got worked out. The meeting would have been more productive, and less contentious, if the Neighborhood Representative had been keeping residents better informed and/or had been "working" issues deemed important to the residents. I believe the residents need to "light a fire" under their current representative to do the job he was elected to do, i.e.; represent them on all issues.
Note- The Phase 5 lagoon Committe has made a concerted effort to keep all Neighborhood Representatives updated on the lagoon reconstruction process, as well as any other relevant lagoon issues. We made if clear from day one that the Neighborhood Representatives and/or their delegate(s) were expected to be a key part of the process, and to keep residents well-informed.

Here is the list of the action items agreed to for Pulte to complete work on Lagoon 150:
1. The water level will be raised 0.4 feet and vegetation installed and/or stabilized to just below the water's edge.
2. Pond depth issue -- Convene a meeting to review the survey data involving the Phase 5 Lagoon Committee and lagoon resident Bob Hermann. The intent is to resolve the residents' concerns that the pond depth may not meet the 5 foot average. Residents indicated that they saw elevation readings being taken by forcing the survey rod down through silt until it reached a solid bottom of the pond.
3. It was also agreed that the issue of ongoing maintenance of the lagoon needs the attention of CAM. Todd Doupona will send an email to CAM requesting that CAM provide thorough maintenance on a regular, consistent and continuing basis. The same request will be made via email from the neighborhood rep for Murray Hill, Don Olexa (the email was sent today, Thursday, August 6th).
4. Replace any "dead" sod around the lagoon perimeter.

Since CAM, specifically Damon Williams and Keith Willis, and not Pulte is responsible for controlling the unwanted vegetation around lagoons, the residents were encouraged to contact Damon and/or Keith regarding this issue.

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